LOW SEASON DISCOUNTS APPLY. Single bed bookings available. The lodges are open to Members, Members Affiliates and guests provided they reside in regional Victoria. Each booking must comply with current…
USC Cross Country Racing
As most of you would know, traditionally the XC race weekend has been the first weekend of August at Hotham. Over the years we have moved from running, timing and…
27 July Update
COVID OPERATIONS UPDATE 27 July 2021: As of midnight tonight, our lodges are back open for bookings of single households, intimate partners and single bubbles. In line with current government…
Welcome back!
Dear Members, We’ve missed you! 2020 was the first year that many members hadn’t skied, we suspect that it might’ve been the first time in the Club’s history that some…
2021 Winter Booking
2021 winter booking are open! Please keep aware of the current Government COVID-19 Restrictions & the USC Illness Policy before attending any lodge.