Clubman | Bookings System used by USC. Login to make bookings, view lodge availability, update your details and view outstanding invoices. |
Accommodation Rates | A table of rates and charges for the current or upcoming year. Includes winter and summer rates, levies, locker fees, membership and annual subscription fees. |
Bookings Process | All you need to know about making bookings at USC. Includes booking rules, making payments, who can book etc. |
Booking Periods and Limits | Details of how the priority booking rules work and who can book when. |
Points System | Information about earning and spending the USC currency of priority points. |
Cancellations and Refunds | Details of USC’s cancellations policy. |
Illness Policy | Practices to follow in our lodge-style environment to minimise the risk of illness and what to do if you fall ill prior to or during a stat at a lodge. |
Reciprocal rights | Information on other ski clubs in Australia and overseas that maybe of interest. |
Bookings Waitlist | A form you can complete to register your desire to stay at a lodge during a period where there is currently no availability. |